3大陸で得た環境体感をもとに、 日本縦断環境体感の旅に出発します。なにかと欧米と比較される日本ですが、きっと日本にもエココンシャスなヒト、モノ、コトはきっとたくさんあるはずです。
TeamACP has traveled in the environmental physical feeling which will include
the crossing the North America continent in July 1999, eight nations in Europe
in October 2000, and "the Sahara Desert vertical section by the first in the world
with the hybrid car" in January 2001. Through these trips we has met the people
sensitive to environment in many fields --- the woman who protects a seal, the
old man who continues planting a tree, and the fisherman who teaches children
marine contamination...
And October 1, 2001 !
We leaves for the trip of the Japanese vertical section based on the environmental
physical feeling obtained on three continents. Although it is Japan compared with
something and the West, we are sure that an environment-matter should surely exist
also in Japan in large numbers.
It reports to you, traveling with a hybrid car from south to north. Please expect.