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金ヶ崎町役場にやってきました 町長室でお話をうかがいました



すでに新聞でも大きく扱われていました ふだん座ることのない運転席に座っていただきました




家畜の糞尿、生ゴミをたい肥に変える施設 右から運転手さん、高橋町長、横田隊長、運転手さん

マイルドハイブリッドのランデブー ココロも満タンに

A mayor rides on the Mild Hybrid.

Ecomission is composed by three sets of hybrid cars. The center is the Estima Hybrid on which Captain Yokota rides. Support cars are Prius which is playing an active part in the past 3 times of Ecomission, and the crown of the mild hybrid. Probably, the crown of the mild hybrid also has many people who did not know the existence, since it hardly appeared in old reports. In this report, it is the leading role.

Kanegasaki Town, Iwate had been introducing one hybrid car for some time. And the crown of this mild hybrid car was newly introduced as the car for mayors on September 4. We thought that the self-governing bodies which have introduced Prius and the Estima Hybrid as a public vehicle also in a trip of Ecomission Japan were increasing in number little by little. It seems that the Hiranuma minister and the Ishihara minister have already used the Estima Hybrid also for the minister class as a public vehicle.

Mr. Takahashi, mayor of this town, says like this. "I am esteeming the high level of technical power of Japan. The price of the spread of an ordinary crown and the crown of the mild hybrid is only 150,000 yen. I think that I am very cheap as a charge of technology. " Kanegasaki Town acquires ISO 14001 attestation for the first time in Hokkaido and the Tohoku district. For the 10th earth environment grand-prix this year, the excellent environmental self-governing body prize(the honorable prize which can be awarded only one cities, towns and villages in about 3,400 cities, towns and villages) is won together with Mie Prefecture. The degree of fullness of the equipment which processes to a compost the feces-and-urine waste which comes out of the stock raising industry, and a kitchen garbage is observed especially as the environmental measures of this town.

Mr. Takahashi says. "I think that an entrepreneur, residents, and consciousness reform of all administration are important for a thing called environmental preservation. If it recommends that it is intelligible for many people, such as ISO attestation acquisition, an excellent environmental self-governing body prize, and eco-friendly car introduction, people's consciousness will gather for an environmental problem automatically." While Kanegasaki Town supports rich nature, agriculture, and the stock raising industry, the town planning which took employment and finances into consideration enough is recommended. Just by there being such balance, the rich town planning with which man and nature coexist becomes possible.


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