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このガラスすべて太陽電池なのです 三角形のトップライト部も太陽電池です





そしてシースルータイプだけでなく、一般的な単結晶太陽電池も設置され、これら太陽光発電の総発電容量は30kWになります。これを年間で考えると、約30,000kWhが見込まれ、燃料消費量を灯油で換算すると、約8,000リットル(ドラム缶40本分)の省エネルギーができるそうです。市庁舎全体の電力使用量から見ると、太陽光発電の占める割合は数%しかないそうですが、この数値で判断するのは軽率だと思います。市民の方々が、このシステムを見に来たり、職員の方々の環境に対する意識が変わったりと、太陽光発電は、単に電気をつけるだけでなく、多くの人々の心を動かしたの です。このエネルギーは、計り知れないものがあります。

シースルーの内側から見るとこんな感じです 自分の家の屋根にも欲しくなりますね

同課 尾島さんが「先日、ここで産業環境フェスティバルというイベントを開催したのですが、多くの市民の方々にお越しいただき、大盛況でした。やはり市民のみなさまの環境保全の意識の高さに感動しましたし、市としてもさらに頑張っていこうと思います。」とこれからの意欲を語っていただきました。



単結晶タイプもあります 適度な遮光性もあっていいですね

発電量がひと目でわかる装置。これは目立たせたい 田口課長補佐、家泉課長、尾島さん、お世話になりました

The window of a city office is solar-generated.

When considering natural energy, it is the photovoltaics which you must not forget with wind power and the biomass. As for photovoltaics, the road sign, the streetlight, etc. are utilized. Ecomission looked for the more unique one. And we found it. It is the city government building where the windowpane is made from the solar cell.

The solar cell is used for the self-windowpane? We al were imagining whether outside could be seen. However, we have looked at and been convinced to thing. The solar cell itself was a see-through type.

Ota-city is located in the southeast of Gumma Prefecture by the population of about 150,000. This city government building commemorated the 50th anniversary of municipal-government enforcement, and was built in June, Heisei 10. Mr. Iemizu, Section Chief of the Administrative Division contract administration division says. "Introduction of natural energy was considered from the stage of the draft of this new government building. Then, these photovoltaics were introduced. Simultaneously, rain water use is also performed positively."

The see-through amorphous solar cell which appears like regular stained glass is adopted as the glass on the south, west, and a toplight part of the government building. There is about 450 number of sheets of glass (the number of sheets of a cell is about 6,000 sheets), and power generation capacity is 15kW. As a see-through type, it is a largest-in-the-world scale. This glass is a double layer and has the heat insulation effect.

Not only a see-through type but the general single crystal solar cell is installed. The total power generation capacity of these photovoltaics is set to 30kW. About 30,000kWh is expected in one year. When fuel consumption is converted with lamp oil, about 8,000l(drum 40 duty) energy saving is possible. When it sees from a viewpoint of the amount of the electric power used of the whole city government building, the rate for which photovoltaics account are few rates. However, you should not judge only for this figure. Civic people inspect this system or the personnel's consciousness to environment is changing. Photovoltaics are moving many people's heart.

This section Mr. Ojima says. "The industrial environmental festival was held on the other day. Many citizens participated. This festival was a great success. I was impressed by the height of the civic consciousness to environmental preservation. Our city also plans to try hard further, concerning environmental preservation."

The amount of power generation of photovoltaics can be seen at the municipal-government information corner in the government building. However, it was not installed in the conspicuous place. Then, Captain Yokota proposed. "I consider that it is better to install this in front of the front door. The amount of power generation and its amount of money are expressed at the Glen Canyon Dam in the United States. Moreover, near Times Square in New York, the amount of money of U.S. debt is displayed with the electrical scoreboard. It is better to put up a thing to tell many people clearly." There is a wind blown down from Mt. Akagi in Ota-city. This city prospered as a town of an airplane before. We thought that this city had the highest conditions of location for tackling wind power.

We felt it strong that natural energy turned into energy which also moves people's mind.


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